
School Council

School Council

The Glenealy School Council plays an integral role in the governance of our school. Members are elected from their representative bodies and their main responsibilities include working with the Principal to establish the strategic direction of the school as well as discussing matters relating to finance, facilities, curriculum and leadership.


The council is committed to maintaining the highest standards for our school and is always keen to hear from parents and community members who share an interest in supporting this continued development. 


Glenealy School Council


Independent Members

  • Pierre Herbst (School Council Chair)
  • Heman Lam
  • (Vacancy)


Parent Members

  • Rashida Mithaiwala (PTA Chair)
  • (Vacancy)


Staff Members

  • Kerry Ngao (Teacher Rep)
  • Nick Benzie (Teacher Rep)
  • Dipa Iyer (Support Staff Rep)


School Principal (ex officio)

  • Christopher Coyle


ESF CEO (ex officio)

  • Belinda Greer
  • Charles Caldwell (CEOs nominated representative)


More information on the role of Councils across the English Schools Foundation and corporate governance can be found at

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