
Speakers & Visitors

Speakers & Visitors

Glenealy School welcomes a variety of inspiring speakers and visitors who engage with students, significantly enriching their educational experience. These guests include professionals from diverse fields such as literature, architecture, and environmental advocacy, sharing their expertise and insights.


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Visits from charitable organisations introduce students to important social issues and the value of community service. Representatives from various organizations speak about sustainability and conservation efforts, encouraging empathy and social responsibility. Together, these experiences not only enhance academic growth but also empower students to take action, fostering a sense of responsibility for the environment around them.


Renowned authors, poets, and illustrators frequently visit Glenealy School, sharing their knowledge and experiences and inspiring students with creative processes and storytelling techniques. Interactive sessions include creative workshops that allow students to express themselves through various artistic mediums, fostering creativity and critical thinking.


Alumni and parents play a vital role in inspiring students by sharing their diverse personal and professional experiences. Our talented community brings a wealth of knowledge from fields such as architecture, fashion, medicine, and many others, enriching the learning environment and encouraging students to explore a variety of career paths.

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